Commercial photography and filming


Commercial photography and filming

Photography and filming for commercial purposes and for other than normal tourist purposes is permitted in the Průhonice Park and Průhonice Botanical Garden after paying a fee or signing a contract with the Institute of Botany. If you want to use the Průhonice Park’s sceneries for commercial purposes involving equipment and crews, you can rent a specific location in the Park. Other rental-related services include reservation of selected filming locations, power and water supply, arrangements for the transportation of technology to the park, and parking facilities. The use of drones is not allowed.

Filming and photography must be approved in advance by the Průhonice Park Management.

602 301 653;


Photography and Filming price list

Small-scale photography for private purposes (other than normal tourist purposes)  300 CZK
Wedding photography at the Park for weddings held outside of the castle complex 500 CZK
Small-scale photography for commercial purposes – hourly fee 1000 CZK

All prices including VAT.